Training Requirement To Receive a Certification Card, Participant MUST Complete the Test Prior!

Thank you for choosing AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING for your training needs!
It is required that all attendees complete the Review Materials/Test PRIOR to the EXPRESS FIRST AID Training.
FOR PARTICIPANT: Training Requirement--Must Complete Prior (See Below & Attachments) Thank you for your dedicated efforts in organizing a FIRST AID Training event. Please provide the projected PARTICIPANTs with the Instructions Below & the Attachments.
FIRST AID Course Student(s):
This program is designed as a "REFRESHER & FAST-PACED" training program to teach lay community rescuers basic skills that may save a life when an emergency happens or prevent further injury. We believe that YOU can make a difference! To ensure successful completion, it is essential that all course participants complete the attached test prior to the scheduled training: REVIEW POWERPOINT (attached) PRINT & COMPLETE WRITTEN TEST (attached) BRING TO CLASS WRITTEN TEST TO VERIFY KNOWLEDGE-
What to Expect: Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will be practicing skills that require working with your hands, bending, and lifting. If you have any physical conditions that might prevent you from participating in the course, please tell the instructor upon arrival for the course. The instructor will work to accommodate your needs within the stated completion requirements. We look forward to welcoming you in person and stand ready to exceed your training expectations. If you have any questions about the course, please call (623) 561-0068.
AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING Office: (623) 561-0068 Arizona's #1 choice in safety training!

First Aid Review Materials
Test (same test, pdf or docx)
(Must complete the test prior to training)
Additional Student Review Materials (optional)